Explain the joke, please I don't get it.

Hello everyone welcome to our newest blog, the purpose of this blog is to close the dissonance between the instagram and what we do behind the scenes that you normally don't ever get to see. Instagram is great for brevity- you can see all the new stuff we make and all the new stuff we did, but it's really hard to explain why or how those things came to be with pictures alone. We're hoping this long format medium allows us to tell our story with a little more nuance and depth. This blog is for those of you who like seeing how the bacon is made and for those of you who need a joke explained before you find it funny. 

I'm going to begin by introducing myself and then answering the uncomfortable question of "what is Get Some Sleep?".

Who are you?

Hello! My name is Daniel some of you may know me as yams or fearhall, I started Get Some Sleep in my room from my parents apartment in Orange, California when i was 21 I am currently 27. I love reading and writing and working with my hands. If I ever have a day off I'm in my shop sewing a project together with a long youtube video essay playing in the background. I can spend hours there, and I do. If I start a project at 3PM I usually won't go home until it's finished at around 7am or so and often times I'll just crash there. I consider myself an introvert. I really value my alone time, but I'll always make time for my friends who mean the world to me. The most extroverted part of me is my job (GSS). Over the years it has challenged me and put me in uncomfortable situations, generally for good. As much as I like being alone I will step out of my shell for supporters or to do a pop up in a different city because it brings me a lot of joy. I love journaling, I don't have any personal social media because it drains me, and I am a Mexican American who speaks Spanish fluently- my culture is very important to me. Thanks for listening.

What is Get Some Sleep?

The easy answer I always give is that it's words on shirts but really it is hard to box it into one thing. For me, Get Some Sleep is my passion project. I see GSS as a vehicle to release stuff that is weighing on my mind. Generally, it's just clothes. I love making clothes and I love making things that speak to people, so it's a combination of that. I like to think of it as an outlet with a community of people who relate. As for Get Some Sleep releases they are generally either limited or pre-order and I know this can be frustrating for people but we don't do this to be annoying. We do it because one of our core values is to not overproduce. Having been in this space for so long i've met countless brand owners with boxes of unsold stuff that's locked away in a garage- and to take it a step above our little world there are brands exponentially bigger than us with warehouses full of stuff that doesn't sell even if its on sale. We just don't ever want to be like that. To us it's more important to order a limited run and make sure they all go to a happy home, than to order thousands of units and try to sell it off at the end of a season. If something is really popular we can just put up for pre-order, that way everyone who wants one can get one with a little (sometimes a lot) patience- that's just where we are coming from. I always have a hard time answering this question. To some, Get Some Sleep is a clothing brand, and to some it's a journey to see how far WE can take this thing that I started in my parents apartment.

Who is Get Some Sleep?

Get Some Sleep is a 5 person team. I do the designing and post on the socials. Dylan is second in command and does a lot of behind the scenes stuff, like prepping the site or making sure a pop ups go smoothly- but generally does an uncountable number of things that would be impossible to list off. He is always down to bring any kooky vision i have to fruition. if Get Some Sleep is a machine he is the oil that keeps it running smoothly. Going down the chain we have Jossue, Jossue is kind of the muscle of the group. He is super reliable and can always be counted on to do anything labor intensive like shipping or installing a new tv at the shop. He is our handyman but is also an artist in his own way. Then we have Alex who is our dedicated customer support person, if you reach out to the support email or reach out via the website or a DM he will take care of you. He also does modeling for us whenever applicable. Our newest member is Grant who will help organize the newsletter and blog and create behind the scenes content for us. Lastly there's all of you guys who support and care about the brand without you guys we would be nothing.

in the future I'll have the team write blog entries formally introducing themselves.

I apologize in advance for all the word vomit and appreciate you taking the time out of your day to read this. Expect more entries weekly. Until then peace!

I think it would be fun to pose a question at the end of every blog entry. I've told you guys about me and I'd love to hear about you so the question for this week's entry is:

"Who are you without mentioning your job?" 

please enter your reply as a comment.

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  • C on

    I love this prompt and these thoughts. I’m just another person that many will probably never know about but I am thankful to be existing in this timeline.

  • Fabian Torres on

    I really appreciate the work you do and I’m thankful for coming across your brand during quarantine. Seeing your brand really helped me boost my confidence on wanting to up my style. And being able to meet the people behind get some sleep and other brands I came across at the New York pop up was a highlight of my life and I want to thank you for that.

  • will on

    As you can see my name is Will. I’m an introvert as well but because of my hobbies and all the jobs i’ve had; I’ve been able to adapt and come off as an extrovert. Despite that though I really do enjoy my alone time too and I really enjoy the moments where I get to wind down after a long day too. I’ve struggled through alot and I’m still trying to find my peace and my place in this world like many others. I’ve also built and burned alot of bridges to get to where I am now. Some I regret and some I don’t. I’ve learned that life is just one giant rollercoaster ride that takes you on a path that you can’t see it’s okay to just sit back and see where you end up. Which leads me to this point; I found GSS through instagram and since then GSS has been my favorite clothing brand. Thank you to all of you for being able to put into words of how I’ve felt all my life on clothing that I can now express openly. I wish nothing but the best and only success for GSS. thank you again.

  • omar :) on

    i am omar and i really like video games, i love my cats, and sometimes i have this thought that i have to have a deeper reason to life but what if i’m just stressing it too much

  • Kris10 on

    A lover, a dreamer, and an eccentric ball of “what in the world is she doing?” With a whole lot of heart and faith in my friends.

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