December Celestial Preorders



This message has been long over due. I want to start by apologizing for the lack of communication, to be entirely honest for the better part of the last four months we were just regurgitating the information that our manufacturer gave us. We did that because we have been working with them for years and we had absolutely no reason to not trust their judgement. They assured us that they would get our product soon but unfortunately soon never came and we are at a point were we have to address the issue because ultimately we are the ones responsible.

To quickly fill you in on what’s been going on behind the scenes we’ve been using the same manufacturer for years. Over the course of the past couple years, we’ve noticed that there has been an increase in delays by them. Stuff that normally would take 2-3 months to make wound up taking 6-7 months and that isn’t normal but it was our normal and that’s a failure on my part. Around April or so I received a message from my point of contact with them that the factory was splitting into two separate business and was assured that it wouldn’t delay our work.

As time progressed communication with them got harder and harder and messages were met with one liners such as “production is finished just waiting to ship” or “we will ship soon”. Fast forward to last week I sent them a an ultimatum message to give us a deadline or return our money but I haven’t heard from them since and that’s where we are today. In my eight years of running GSS I’ve ran into hiccups but honestly I’ve never experienced anything as catastrophic as this.

At this point unfortunately we are out tons of money but our primary goal is to make you guys whole as you guys are the true victims of this situation and we’ve come up with two solutions:

A. A $125 USD Get Some Sleep Gift Card per product. Issued immediately to be used on whatever we have available, whenever, with no restrictions or expiration.

B. A full refund. unfortunately due to the limitations of Shopify as well as the amount of money we will have to refund we can only offer refunds in batches our plan is to take everyone who wants a refund add them to a list and then we’ll send you a refund date for when we can send the money back to you.

As far as the future goes this is a huge set back for us but we’re trying to be optimistic and push through it. All we have is hope and all of you guys. We’re fortunate enough that we had a really good month and we’re focusing a lot on doing items we can print ourselves until we can raise enough capital to be back on track. As for manufacturing we are blessed that Jaff from resurgence took it open himself to recreate celestials with his manufacture and they’re identical 1:1’s so we will be ready to move forward with them in the future.

Closing thoughts. . 

From the bottom of my heart I’m sorry we really let you down I know a lot of you were looking forward to that hoodie and we are trying our best to rectify it. A lot of you are going to choose to stop rocking with us over that and I entirely get thank you for being part of our journey and we hope in the future there is an opportunity for us to earn your trust and support again. Please reply back to this message we are eagerly awaiting your response. We will be sending out a follow up email on October 6th. Thank you for your time.