Team Interviews: Jossue

Hey everyone! I'm Grant, an LA based writer/artist and long time friend of GSS. Welcome to the start of a new blog series for the website that will be published in addition to the Love Letter every week. Get Some Sleep is so important to me, and I'm excited to share the brand's past, present, and future evolution with all of you here. We'll be going through the daily minutia and interesting projects that happen every day in the operation of the brand.

Today we have a team interview with Jossue. He represents a core component of the team in shipping, warehouse maintenance, and our in house manufacturing. Jossue is a total powerhouse when it comes to getting orders out and making sure GSS is constantly running smoothly. Additionally, he is a creative and artist which you can read a bit more about in the following interview:
  • Introduce yourself- where you’re from and a little about yourself. 

I’m Jossue, from Orange County, and I like to draw!

  • How did you get started with the brand?

I was struggling with my previous job- there wasn’t enough work going on. I was usually getting like $200 a week. I knew Daniel since middle school but more recently we were in a group chat with 5 or so other friends from highschool. I asked if he needed help and he said yeah! I started working then- within 2 months I was full time and I quit my previous job. I started working around Summer of 2022.

  • Can you walk us through a typical day in your job, from the moment you get here to the moment you leave?

Typical days I clean up a bit at the beginning- have some lunch. Then I wait for Dylan to arrive and he prints labels. We start shipping- sometimes I have errands like buying vinyl or taking trips to LA or Brea to pick up clothes.

  • Can you talk a bit about how your role has evolved at GSS over time?

I’ve gotten a bit more creative. I got into oil painting recently and have started making some of my own designs. It inspired me a lot to go down that path. I learned a few tips and tricks for heat pressing and how to make shirts with vinyl too. 

  • Since you’re also an artist, can you walk us through some of what you do?

I like to draw spooky stuff like cryptids. I also like to draw characters but it’s been a while. I mostly draw cryptids and lovecraftian monsters. I also have done a lot of Dune inspired concept art too!

  • Do you find working in the warehouse inspiring to your art?

I like looking at the designs everyone makes and it’s given me a lot of inspiration for drawing.

  • What are some of your favorite memories with GSS?

It’s just things like going to the popups or having big groups. Like the Halloween event we went to was great. I got to loosen up a bit and do some dancing. Big events like that I love, they’re big memories for me.

  • Goals with the brand for the future?

I want to get more into oil painting and into designing. I also would love to see where Get Some Sleep goes and see us open up a shop in the future. Next year I’m looking forward to the fashion show!

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